image of blue rabbit looking fish with bunny ears

image showing a digitally made sculptur of a rabbit looking fish
High-poly Sculpt

sea rabbit 3d topology
Low-poly model: Manually retopologized

image showing the texture maps of the 3d model
Final Asset and baked maps

image of the 3d model from a high angle
Real-time render: High angle shot

image of the 3d model from the side
Real-time render: Side view

image of the 3d model from the back
Real-time render: Back view

from view of the 3d model
Real-time render: Front view

Hi-res to low-poly 3D model designed for games.

I created this 3d model back in 2016, it was a fun little project that started from a simple doodle on paper, I wish I could find the initial sketch, but it's buried somewhere in my old dust-gathering half-filled sketchbook pile!
